Burble along with me in my dream world

To live is to craft and to craft is to live-plus more homely bar room philosophy from a former barmaid and library assistant

Sunday, 18 April 2010

WOYWS it's a secret

I am so glad I found WOYWW. It's given me a shot in the arm. All the lovely comments got me to work and I managed to have a bit of a clear up. If you wonder why I'm the bag lady it's not because of all the bags of crafty stash I have but the many gift bags I've made over the years. I love bags because they are so expensive in the shops-someone has to be paid for them after all.

I took a picture of these and I whizzed them in the bin. Why? Because I made a lot of these at least ten years ago in the days when I had the strength to "do" craft fairs. The yellow one is made from wrapping paper and all the rest are made from different rolls of wallpaper I bought for 50pence. This is a warning -don't buy vinyl wallpaper to do this 'cos if you do you will need to stick it with evo-stick which is very uneconomical.
On the plus side-these were as perfect and strong as the day I made them.
They were made with a green sneakers kreate-a-bag template I bought when Ally Pally was at The Commonwealth Institute. Julie Hickey tells me she was demoing that day for theCraft Barn so I probably bought it from her. I also bought a tiny version later and a create-a lope one too. If you are patient I'll make some more bags and post them and share a simple bag making secret (thought up all on my own for a talk) which I once shared with someone only to see it later in a magazine. That's what comes with fame! LOL.
It's a doddle this blog thing HAHAHA.
By coincidence Debs has just sent in a comment asking where are the bags? AS I WAS WRITING THIS POST- SPOOOOKY
Question answered Debs-they are in the bin and the wallpaper I made them with will probably follow just in case I'm tempted to use it again.
Now -which button do I press? Ah yes.


  1. what you like?
    I love reading your blog.
    My Dad's in Withenshaw hosp - thanks for asking

  2. Yaaayy bags! lol
    gosh that is too spooky! lol
    Loved your quote about the wind - I mean the elements ladies and not anything inappropriate! lol
