Now where were we? Ah yes I'd better put my piccies on-still half asleep after one of those drifting nights of vivid dreams and wakeful-planning the cards I will make when I get up- moments.
We have a sort of before and after sequence.
First there's a crafting man with tattooed arms and blurred hands (I tried twice but he was too quick for me) demonstrating Tonic Studios punches for Crafty Devils at the Manchester show followed by the state my worktop is in because I've been trying out the stuff I bought there.
The punches are exactly the same as the old X-cut ones but orange which means they fit the X-cut border system if you have one.
Eagle eyed people may spot that I now have two-that's TWO- ATG guns.
Well I use the 12mm a lot and so does DH so I got another and a 6mm adapter.
If you've not quite got to grips with your ATG (aaarggghhh-no pun intended but it crept in) here's a couple or three tips.
1 Avoid lumps at the end of your adhesive run by releasing your grip on the trigger and pulling towards you. Don't be tempted to pull upwards.
2 If you don't like your positioning don't try to pull your work off UPWARDS-it won't -twist gently and you might get lucky.
3 To avoid poor positioning in the first place save a few sheets of release paper.
Release paper is the shiny backing stuff you get at the back of adhesive sheets, peel offs, labels on your craft channel shopping. Use it to place between the items you are glueing together, fold back a corner and line them up. Press down a small area and check. If you are happy peel back the release paper, check again before you press down. If you don't like what you see remember twist to remove, if you're happy smooth it down.
4Before you use your ATG just check everything is lined up ok, especially the tape with the edge of the roller.
Happy glueing folks.