Dear all, I am determined to do this posting but it is very difficult as I can't find the words.
In January my beautiful niece died suddenly. She was fifteen years old and also pregnant. She was loved and respected by all who knew her and the baby's father, her family, friends and school were standing by her decision to have her baby.
Sadly it was not to be and she collapsed and died totally unexpectedly along with her baby.
Worse still the circumstances of her death became a news item and spread everywhere so that her personal life was commented upon and discussed endlessly on the internet by those who did not know her at all, causing great distress at a time of total shock.
Pictures and information were taken from Face Book pages by the media without permission. This is a warning-you may find yourself in a situation not of your choosing and your personal information could also be taken. Check your settings-young people in particular have so many "friends". If your settings say your pages can be viewed by friends of friends you are at risk. Only accept as friends people you genuinely know and don't allow friends of friends to see personal information or you too could find your albums have been trawled by the media.
She is now at rest along with her baby. We are all trying to get on with our lives but it is very hard.
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