If I had a picture it would be a pair of bent and broken glasses.
Yes folks-I have now found out one of the disadvantages of slate floors-they are not falling glasses friendly. Strictly speaking they are falling glasses friendly until the moment when the glasses hit them.
Isn't it amazing how much can go through your head in the instant between the stupid clumsy moment when your flailing hand meets your precious glasses and you know which direction they are heading in and you know they will not survive. My first thought was that it was a good job they were ready to be replaced and my second was that I hoped my old ones were exactly where I thought they were.
You'll be pleased to know I only have to endure the old ones for about a fortnight-afraid it's not an off the shelf job. The last time this happened I got a good telling off from Mum. How I wish she was still around to tell me off but it was well over ***ty years ago! Did you think I was going to reveal my age. BETTY you idiot-your age is on your profile so they know anyway.
Off to make bread without butter pudding for tea or supper if you're a posh southerner or whatever if you live in the rest of the world
WOYWW takes place on Wednesdays-yes Wednesdays not Thursdays-so pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground where you get the opportunity to see real desks with work on .
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