Just tested to see if I could place a comment on my own blog and I can't. It redirects me and tells me to sign out of one and sign in to another but I've tried and tried and I'm just going around in circles. Hours go by and no crafting is done just grunting and tearing of hair. It reminds me of the first time I had a computer (remember good old Windows 95?). While I was threatening to throw it through the window DH would pop his head around the door and say " I'm just going out for a walk" as steam was issuing from my ears.
One of the pleasures of blogging for me was popping into other peoples places and leaving comments and now it's just hassle. Ah me (sighs deeply).
On a more exciting note. Mr UPS called today with a little box. In that box was my preview order from Stampin' Up. Had to prune it somewhat before I sent it and will try to hold back now until the new catalogue is actually published. I'm determined to get something made so that I can post it. Not allowed to show the catty though or the actual products. I do love SU. The matching stamps and punches do make life so easy.
Thanks Julia for your lovely comment. That rosette on the green card is only made with a circle punch and some simple folds. The other flower is a bit more long winded and if I could remember where the instructions were I would post a link. Will try to make time for some very simple instructions.
Off to play for a while now before watching Outnumbered-reminds me of days gone by. My lovely sons never behaved like that did they?
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