This is what some of it was about.
Back in April it seemed a doddle to enter five classes in Otley Show. Produce and handicrafts that is. Then it became a matter of pride and as I throw a paddy if I don't win (a bad example to my niece and nephew) I had to put everything to one side and concentrate. Besides I like to think I might inspire someone else to have a go.
Otley Show is the first Agricultural Show of the season and is the oldest in the country. It's a wonderful day out, very neighbourly and friendly but with stiff competition from my little sis there were reputations at stake. She beat me! That's why I got a second, but only in the jewellery class. She doesn't have as much spare time as me so I wasn't up against her in the other classes.
The most thrilling moment was seeing the look on my DH's face as he got to the soft toys. I knew I'd won as he looked at me and I will never forget that moment. I couldn't get a shot of my dolly so I took one in the bedroom at home. What you can't see are her little knickers trimmed with lace and ribbon. Squeezed them out of a scrap of fabric that I had left.
So my secret is out. I don't just papercraft, I like to make other stuff especially jewellery although I haven't done any for a while I've got the bug again since I browsed the book I got the idea for the lariat from. I fancy having a go at another dolly too. I've been told to plan ahead for next year's show by DH-trouble is they don't always have the same classes so it's not always possible to plan ahead. I'll post another piccy of my necklace which I took at home. It's from a book by Carol Wilcox Wells called The art and elegance of beadweaving. I'm not taking orders by the way. It took me about three weeks of graft to make it and it was a labour of love and obsession. In case you're wondering the technique is called spiral rope and it's done with one beading needle and a lot of thread!
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