I don't do babysitting/petsitting etc etc except in a crisis-can't handle the responsibility but nobody else wanted to take them on so I thought I'd better do the decent Mum thing.
Darn it they are gorgeous and I've fallen in love. What are they? They are Degus-sort of a cross between a chinchilla and a gerbil. They are very lively but I took this when I noticed them stop to listen to me whistling -LOL. Rushed for my camera and whistled "Colonel Bogey" at them -they seemed to like it. They've been with us a week now and I've actually managed to stroke one of them. Not got much crafting done!
They are so cute, I've wanted one of them since I saw two in the pet shop last year, definitely gona get one asap now I've read this lol, they're adorable x