The weekend arrived in double quick time with not much housework done. I seem to have spent my time grappling with new technology and techniques. The sunshine has brought an improvement in "unpleasant illness" which has resulted in a quantum leap in my brainpower and legs so I've been challenging myself by trying more new stuff on the computer as well as indulging in more bus travel. On thursday I caught the bus into Bolton, bumped into a colleague I'd not seen for years so we went for coffee at the Octagon theatre. I had my (new) camera in my bag and the sun tempted me to take some shots in the market-just missed the bus back so decided to walk through the park.
I forgot bridge was closed and I couldn't remember where the other one is. Not totally recovered then. Thank goodness for mobile phones! 
It was so lovely I wandered about among the flowers thinking "ain't life grand."
In fact you could say
"What is this life if full of care
We have no time to stand and stare?"
As you can probably tell-I stopped making heavy weather of placing the shots and applied the knowledge I've already got -only problem is I've a feeling these primroses should be round the other way.
Hi Betty, am testing this , hope you get it