Oh fandabbydosy. I went out and treated myself to a new camera today. Don't get me wrong-I've got a lovely SLR that I bought second hand from a friend but it's way too heavy to lug about and I've been using it to record all the cards I make. Instead of people asking me for a card "like that one you sent me" and I've no idea what they are talking about and they can't describe it (sure you've been there) I decided to keep a record. To get back to the point-camera no.1 was too heavy to carry about so I've ended up with this dinky Panasonic DMC FS3 for all you techies out there and I've been playing with it this afternoon. Got it to work and took some piccies of my craftroom chaos-for all you tidy people-steel yourselves-it's not a pretty sight and does owe something to a certain swedish store plus an icecream company. You might be able to spot some ribbon storage that I created recently using some Morrison's fridge fruit jars. I'm very proud of them. There is some more ribbon storage which I made with my big bite2. As you have probably sussed -ribbon storage is an ever present problem for me. If any of you have seen Kirsty Wiseman's blog with piccy's of her craft room -it's not like Kirsty's and if you ever find your way to my blog Kirsty- sorry for the shock. My problem is as soon as I reach a state of order I buy or acquire something else.
Oh yes ribbons-while I was at the market this morning I bought 2 bundles of lace so now I've got to find somewhere to put them.
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