I've filled a page with scribbled ideas this morning which has helped me to calm down. I'm always worried I'll forget what I thought of in the middle of the night (and I often do) so it's a good idea to get it down on paper if you can't manage to try it there and then.
My problem is I've had one really good idea and now I feel as though people might expect another one soon whereas I tend to just leave them to pop on their own. I have one in the back of my head though so Julie or Sue I'll let you know if it works.
My fab fab fab purchase isn't there yet 'cos I've put down a deposit and I've been promised it by the end of the week. I'll tell more later. It does involve checking the bank balance and clearing some space.
As I'm bleary eyed I'm going to close now except to tell you there's a great offer of half price
downloads until 31st of March on www.funkyfairyspapercrafts.com
so check it out. Their boys and girls collection is lovely. I would show you something I've made with it but I made them in my pre record everything days.
Lovely range of different creations and super cards on your blog, looks like you are well stocked for many more!
1. To get the first download (an exclusive, not for sale, cute Easter image) add my mini banner to your blog, with a link embedded to http://bee-crafty.blogspot.com leave me a comment to let me know you have and I’ll email you the download. (Drop me an email at mail@artisangroup.org.uk so I have an address to send to)
2. To get the second download just take it! I am offering my new download ‘Flower Girl’ for free to start off a new card making competition. Visit my blog for more details.
I look forward to your visit over at Bee Crafty